Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have the good news preached to them. And blessed is he who takes no offense at me.” Matthew 11:4-6
Our faith is strengthened and improved inasmuch as Christ is set before us in His own simple works. He is simply concerned with the blind, lame, lepers, deaf, the dead, and the poor, and has nothing but pure love and well-doing for all who are poor and needy. In short, Christ is nothing else but a consolation and a refuge for all who have a troubled and weakened conscience.
Here there is need of faith that builds on His Gospel and relies on it without any doubt that Christ is just as His Gospel portrays Him. Such faith holds nothing else about Christ and will not suffer any other view to be upheld about Him. And such faith has the Christ in whom it believes and as His Gospel describes Him. For as you believe, you will receive. “Blessed is he who takes no offense at me.”
In this way we recognize Christ aright and receive Him in true faith. This is what the Christian faith includes. Those who think that they can render satisfaction to God by their works and become righteous thereby, do not really know the Christ portrayed in this Gospel. If they persist in their mistaken views they will be lost.
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PRAYER: Give us a simple faith, Lord Jesus, that we always believe with our whole hearts that you are our Lord and Savior in the simple manner you have revealed yourself to us in your holy Word. Amen.