Epiphany Wednesday


The blood of Jesus His [God’s] Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

We must take hold of Christ’s words in the Sacrament and be quite sure that we understand them. For the whole power and might of the Sacrament depends on these words. We must all know them, understand them, and cling to them in firm faith so that we may defend ourselves with them and, when the need arises, repulse our enemies with them. Hence, if you want to partake of the Sacrament, heed these words and be quite sure that they contain the treasure on which you are to take your stand and place your reliance, for they are spoken to you individually.

Jesus speaks of His body which is given and His blood which is shed (Matthew 26:26, 28). Why does He speak in this way? That you should do nothing but eat and drink here? No! Note very carefully how He adds: “for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28). This is the point which really concerns you. Everything else that is done and spoken in this connection is calculated to emphasize the central fact that your sins are forgiven you in this Sacrament.

If the Sacrament is to serve you in regard to the forgiveness of sins, it must also help to conquer death. For where sin is wiped out, death is also wiped out, and hell as well. Where these three foes are vanquished, all our misfortunes are removed, and nothing but salvation and eternal blessedness remains for us.

SL.XI.594,19 PRAYER: O Lord, may Your body and blood given and shed for us on the cross, and now offered to us in the holy Sacrament, always be a pledge and seal of the forgiveness of sins, for Your name’s sake. Amen.