I don’t remember where I got my copy of Luther for a Busy Man over 25 years ago but I remember many places where I have been blessed with Luther’s insights. From rural northeast Ghana in West Africa, to urban Pretoria in South Africa, to mountainous Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Martin Luther pointed out Law and Gospel for my wife and me to ponder in our varied surroundings. It has always amazed me that he could be so relevant in the 20th and 21st centuries in Africa, but faith in Jesus Christ and love for and service to neighbor – which Luther constantly points the hearer to consider — are part of every Christian’s life, in every age and culture. No less have these daily devotions assisted my life and ministry in the U.S. as a congregational pastor and college professor. It has been a blessing to share the devotions with students and colleagues when I could.
The new reader should not be afraid to bring Luther into daily devotions, or even to start daily devotions for the first time adding his insights. Yes, Luther is from 500 years ago. But his comments are still insightful, sometimes blunt and to the point, and not infrequently he just makes me laugh at his turn of phrases. Can you really say it like that?! Maybe I would not always use Luther’s words, but his comments spark thoughts in my mind by which I might explain and share the Gospel with my family, friends and neighbors. The reading for each Sunday is the text on which that week’s readings are based. The daily reading is not long, if you miss a day or two just catch up.
I have been looking for a way to share Luther for the Busy Man with members of my current congregation. So I was thrilled and I am thankful that the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary has taken up the project. For this next church year my congregation will use the assigned Sunday readings of the historic One Year Series, on which the Gospel readings Luther comments. So on Sunday we will hear the assigned Scripture readings on which I will preach, and then the rest of the week congregation members can meditate all the more in their own devotions of God’s Word and prayer accompanied by Martin. May the Lord Jesus bless your study and meditations on His Word!
Rev. Dr. Carl Rockrohr
Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church
Ridgeville Corners, Ohio