The law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17
Scripture holds up a twofold picture before us: a picture of fear, that is, a picture of the boundless and strict wrath of God before which no one can stand the test, a picture which would mean utter despair for every one of us if we did not have faith. Over against this, the picture of grace is held up before us, so that faith should regard it very closely and draw from it a friendly, comforting confidence, with the hope that we can never overestimate God’s goodness towards us. There is always still much more with Him.
You have often heard that there are two kinds of blessings: spiritual and bodily. This Gospel (Mark 8:1-9) deals with temporal and bodily blessings. It teaches us children’s faith; it is a Gospel for the weak.
In this Gospel, we are taught to look to God as the source of all good and to learn to trust Him. From our experience of God’s blessings in the temporal sphere we should also learn to trust Him in regard to spiritual blessings. This Gospel reminds us of the fact that Christ does look after our bodily needs. From this we may well infer that He also wants to nourish our soul with spiritual blessings.
If I am not prepared to entrust the sustenance of my body to Him, I will be much less disposed to entrust the eternal welfare of my soul to Him. If I cannot trust a man to give me one florin, how can I trust him to give me ten? If I cannot look to someone for a piece of bread, much less can I entertain any hope that he will give me house and home and a whole estate.
SL 11:1367 (2-3)
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, source of everything that is good for our bodies and souls, continue to pour Your good blessings upon us in accordance with the promises and assurances You have given us in and through Christ, our Savior. Amen.
Editor’s note: No American Edition (AE) equivalent for today’s sermon excerpt exists at the time of this publication. For an alternate English translation of this sermon, see Lenker, Church Postil—Gospels, 4:202-210.