Among you stands one whom you do not know. John 1:26 

When John says here, “Among you stands one whom you do not know,” he means to say, “Do not direct your eyes too far into the future! He of whom the prophets have spoken has already been among the Jewish people for thirty years. Take heed and do not let Him go! You do not know Him, and I have come to you to show Him to you.” 

When John says, “Among you stands one,” he is following the manner of Scripture which says, “A prophet will arise” or “appear” (Deuteronomy 13:1). Similarly, we are told in Matthew that false prophets “will arise” or “appear” or “come forth” (Matthew 24:24). God also says to Israel, “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet from among you, from your brethren.” Deuteronomy 18:15.  

It is John’s office to demonstrate that such establishment, appearance, arising, and awaking has been fulfilled in Christ; He has already come forth in the midst of their brethren as God has promised, and they know it not.  

 It is also part of John’s office as an evangelical preacher to comfort men by showing them how to get rid of their sins. This he does by pointing them to Christ, the coming Savior.  

SL.XI.112, 41 
AE 75,183 

PRAYER: Open our hearts by your Holy Spirit, O Lord, so that we are at all times fully awake to the completed work of our Savior and find our full salvation therein. Amen.