What is Luther for the Busy Man?
Luther for the Busy Man breaks up Luther’s commentary on the standard gospel texts into manageable daily content, organized according to the church year. It is our prayer that readers will become enthralled with Luther’s wise interaction with, and passionate application of, the Biblical texts. Some will meet the Reformer for the first time, with others gaining a deeper appreciation for Luther’s ethos. Each one will receive daily nourishment through reminders of justification through faith in Christ and all of its implications for life.
Luther for the Busy Man is a daily devotional resource produced by the Free Lutheran Bible College & Seminary, in cooperation with Ambassador Publications, the publishing arm of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations.
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Luther for the Busy Man
Luther for the Busy Man Reformation Day, October 31, 2020 Plymouth, MN Luther for the Busy Man, hereafter “LFTBM,” is a new project brought to you by the Free...
What is the Church Year?
The church year does not begin on January 1st. It begins with Advent. The church year was not invented by one man or one particular denomination. It was a...
Rightly Handling the Word of Truth
I first came upon Luther for the Busy Man when I was a pre-seminary student at Texas Lutheran College and it quickly became a staple in my devotional life. With short...
Life with Luther
I don’t remember where I got my copy of Luther for a Busy Man over 25 years ago but I remember many places where I have been blessed with...
Church Year Confessions of a Liturgically-Challenged Pastor
Our church body prescribes no specific style of worship, focusing instead on consistent content from congregation to congregation. Our history and heritage fall on the “less structure” side of...