I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall exalt in my God. Isaiah 61:10
In this Gospel (John 2:1-11) Christ makes it quite clear that He finds no fault with providing expenses for a wedding and all that is needed for a wedding, adornment and merry-making, eating and drinking, as the usage and custom of the land require.
It is true that this seems to be excess and wasted expenditure and a worldly matter. Suitable moderation must be observed here, without completely destroying the wedding celebrations. The bride and bridegroom must be suitably adorned, and the guests must eat and drink and be joyful. Provisions may be supplied and usual procedures followed with a good conscience.
Scripture often refers to these matters with approval. Mention is made in the Gospels of the bride’s adornment, the marriage garment, the guests, and the good fare at the wedding. Even the Old Testament sets forth examples with approval. Abraham’s servant gave Rebekah, Isaac’s bride, jewelry of silver and of gold as well as raiment (Genesis 24:53).
We should never pay too much attention to the hypocrites and self-made saints with their sour looks who are pleased with nothing except what they themselves teach, and will not even suffer a bride to wear a garland or any other adornment.
AE 76, 240
PRAYER: O Lord, we thank and praise you for all the joys and pleasures which you have given us to make us happy here on earth. We pray for your grace to enable us to enjoy these things, following the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.