Trinity Thursday



He is Lord of lords and King of kings. Revelation 17:14

In the second psalm, God says to His Son: “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage and the ends of the earth as your possession” (Psalm 2:8). Here He is clearly appointed as the King of all things because He is God’s Son. There has never been any ordinary prince or king to whom the whole world has been subjected.

In a similar way, David openly calls Him a God when He says, “Thy throne, O God (RSV margin), endures forever and ever. Your royal scepter is a scepter of equity; you love righteousness and hate wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows” (Psalm 45:6-7).

God appoints no one as such a king who is not Himself God. For He will not release the bridle from His own hands. He wants to remain Lord over heaven and earth, death, hell, the devil, and all creatures. Inasmuch, then, as God has made Christ Lord over all that has been created, Christ must certainly be regarded as being Himself true God together with God the Father.

SL 11:1150 (7)

PRAYER: Almighty God, so reign in our hearts and souls that Christ may have the sole dominion there. Grant that we may sincerely embrace Him with our whole hearts as King of kings and Lord of lords and continually glorify Him by our works of faith, together with Yourself, O Father, and the blessed Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Editor’s note: No American Edition (AE) equivalent for today’s sermon excerpt exists at the time of this publication. For an alternate English translation of this sermon, see Lenker, Church Postil—Gospels, 3:405-411.