LESSON: 1 PETER 4:12‒19
“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for My name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29
In many ways we resemble the Jews. They were more concerned about their bellies than about God, more intent on filling their bellies than on learning God’s plan of salvation for them. Ultimately, therefore, they lost out in both directions, and deservedly so. Inasmuch as they refused to accept eternal life and joy, God also deprived them of their bodily welfare, and so they lost both body and soul.
They offer an excuse which rings much like those we also hear today from our contemporaries, “We would have been quite glad to accept the Gospel, had it not endangered our body and property, and perhaps even cost us wife and children.” “If we let Him go on thus,” some of them said in reference to Christ, “everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and destroy both our holy place and our nation” (John 11:48).
What they here feared would happen did happen, for as Solomon said, “What the wicked dreads, will come upon him” (Proverbs 10:24). These fears prevented the Jews from believing in God. They did not regard the great and rich promises which God had made to them.
We also pass over such matters and do not see the mighty, comforting promises which our Lord has made us. Even if we do lose our earthly property, heaven and earth are the Lord’s, and He will certainly repay us freely and richly.
SL 11:1474 (16)
AE 78:346-361
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Your blessings and benefits to us are many and great, as are all the free gifts of Your love and mercy. Open our hearts in such a way that we never offer any hindrance to the operation of your free and wonderful grace, and so that we may be prepared at all times to suffer everything and risk everything for Christ’s sake. Amen.