“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast.” Matthew 22:2‒3
The Lord Jesus Christ portrays the kingdom of heaven for us in this parable in a most loving and comforting manner. He tells us that in some respects there is resemblance between what happens in the kingdom of heaven and at a royal marriage feast. At such a marriage feast, the king’s son is given a bride, and it is a scene of the highest joy and splendor with many being invited to share in the joy.
Among all the parables by which God illustrates Christ’s kingdom for us, this is a choice and lovely picture. Christianity or the Christian estate is called a marriage, or a marriage union, in which God Himself chooses a Church here on earth for His Son which He, on His part, receives to Himself as His own bride.
Here, by means of our own life and experience, God wants to explain and indicate, as in a mirror, what we Christians have in Christ. Through the most common estate on this earth, that estate in which we were begotten, brought up, and have lived ourselves, he preaches a daily sermon and exhorts us to remember and to think of this great mystery, as St. Paul calls it in Ephesians 5:32.
St. Paul tells us that the union of a man and his wife in marriage, as ordained by God, should be for us an important, beautiful, and wonderful sign and a comprehensible, though spiritual, picture which demonstrates and indicates something special, outstanding, and important, something hidden and incomprehensible to human reason, namely, Christ and His Church.
AE. 79:213-223
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, our beloved Savior, You have assured us in so many ways of Your unceasing love for us, and have proved it in Your suffering and death on the cross. Abide with us with all Your love, now and forevermore. Amen.